Monday, March 15, 2010

Monday, Monday

weiner merger This headline probably doesn’t strike anyone around here as humorous, but it made me snicker.

We passed a quiet weekend at home and now. I took the rest of the week off from my writing assignment that’s due on March 22. Now that the new week is upon me, I’m back in procrastination mode. I do, however, have semi-firm plans to make some phone calls in search of information starting after lunch today. Unless something more interesting comes up.

I discovered a new (to me) blog this morning that, if you’re of a conservative inclination, is a fun read. Of course, now that I’m on board as a reader, she’ll probably abandon it, but Bride of Rove is worth the effort.

Also, friend Lauri has invited me to contribute to her blog: Mad Meanderings. That’s incredibly flattering and I’ll have to give some thought to what I should write.

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