Saturday, March 27, 2010

Limp Biscuit


Austin’s turtle Biscuit is dead. Austin speculates that Biscuit got himself trapped under a piece of wood in his aquarium and drowned. At any rate, Austin was too distraught to deal with Biscuit’s mortal remains before he took off for the weekend. So he called this morning to ask if Maria would do the honors. They decided it would be more fitting to hurl his carcass into the woods where the coyotes and other animals could return him to the cycle of life than to entomb him in a shallow grave somewhere on the property.

Here’s Maria, removing Biscuit from his aquarium.

1 comment:

  1. Ach!!! Dead Terrapins! (perhaps another good band name?)
    Sorry you guys had to take care of that. I'm glad you're adults about it.
