Monday, March 29, 2010

Laying down some truth

I read something astonishing this morning in a BMW organization magazine.

The author was writing a testimonial for his Kevlar-lined jeans. He tells us he was riding behind and to the right of a friend when his friend made an unexpected right turn. The guy says he locked up his brakes but didn’t think he could stop in time so he laid it down.

Laid it down? WTF? With the proliferation of Motorcycle Safety Foundation rider training, riding tips and safety columns in bike magazines and the general spread of knowledge, I was surprised to see someone pretending that laying a bike down is a valid collision avoidance strategy. That is came from a BMW rider – widely acknowledged as the best trained and most safety conscious people on two wheels – is absolutely breathtaking.

He went down on his right side and admits that he can’t do much of anything with his right arm now, but by God those Kevlar jeans saved him from road rash!

Let’s examine this crash with the data he provided:

Unexpected right turn – Unless his buddy is more of an idiot than he is, I’ll bet the buddy signaled the turn. Otherwise, why in hell would you cut across the path of a closely following (don’t know precisely how close) rider without warning him? My guess is that Mr. Kevlar Jeans wasn’t paying attention.

Locked up the brakes – I suspect what he meant to say was that he locked the rear brake, putting the bike into a rear wheel skid. I’d be willing to bet serious money that he didn’t apply much front brake, if any.

Had to lay it down – That’s usually code for “I locked the rear brake, the rear wheel came around and the bike fell over.” Saying, “I laid it down,” is like Pee Wee Herman saying, “I meant to do that” after he crashes his bicycle in front of a bunch of other cyclists. My guess is that he tried to mix swerving with a rear wheel skid, which is guaranteed to but the bike on its side. I know because I did it once when I was practicing countersteering while learning to be a MSF instructor.

There is no way in hell that the coefficient of friction of plastic and chrome sliding down the asphalt is greater than what rubber tires and maximum braking can provide. Truth be told, this guy never had a riding course, probably wasn’t paying attention and proved once again that you don’t rise to meet the challenge in a crisis, you default to your level of training.

Here’s what has to say about it:

The Beginnings of a Dangerous Myth

Most motorcyclists have heard at least one story about someone who claims he was forced to lay down his bike to prevent a potentially fatal crash. In many cases, however, these stories end with broken bones, head injuries, and totaled bikes. So it's only logical to wonder whether this is truly the best technique for avoiding accidents.

The motorcycles you see today are much more technologically advanced than bikes of the past. In fact, motorcycle brakes were once so bad that riders could often stop better by sliding or tumbling off the bike. Back in those days, practicing how to lay down your bike was actually a standard part of learning to ride.

Fortunately, we now have tires with better traction and antilock brakes that let us stop in a straight line on any surface. Today's bikes are also capable of stopping faster than ever before, making the advice about always lying down to avoid a crash obsolete. For this reason, motorcycle safety instructors do not teach new riders how to lay down a bike.

Of course, it's also possible that this myth was merely started by motorcyclists who wanted to cover up the fact that they fell accidentally. However, accepting this lore as good advice can result in serious or fatal injuries.


Proper Crash-Avoidance Techniques

When faced with a potentially dangerous situation, it's generally best to remain upright on your bike. Remember, tire rubber has an immense amount of traction. However, plastic, steel, and chrome (the materials found on the side of the bike) offer almost no traction. When you stay on your motorcycle instead of letting it slide, you'll be better able to stop in time or swerve out of the way. The only possible time where it might be a better idea to purposely end up on the ground is when it's better than the alternative, like going over a guardrail down a cliff or into the middle of a ten-car pile-up. Once you lay down a bike, you have absolutely no control over where you will end up.

Knowing when and how to stop or swerve is the best way to keep yourself safe while riding a motorcycle, other than not getting into an accident in the first place. In fact, recent studies show that most accidents can be attributed to two factors:

  • The motorcyclist underbraked the front tire and overbraked the rear tire.
  • The motorcyclist did not separate braking from swerving or failed to swerve when appropriate.

To stop your bike quickly, apply both brakes at the same time. If your front wheel locks while braking, release the brake quickly before firmly reapplying and pressing on the rear brake. If you accidentally lock the rear brake, it's best to keep it locked until you have completely stopped.

If you are turning or riding on a curve, attempt to straighten the bike before braking. However, if you simply must stop while leaning, it's best to apply the brakes lightly while reducing the throttle.

Of course, if you have the choice, you can swerve to avoid an accident. But if you're in a situation that calls for both braking and swerving, apply your brakes before or after you attempt to swerve. Never try to swerve while braking simultaneously.


Motorcycle Safety Training

Even if you've been riding your bike for years, it's a good idea to attend a motorcycle safety course on a regular basis. Motorcycles can be dangerous, especially if you're not familiar with the latest safety practices.

The Motorcycle Safety Foundation is a national organization dedicated to helping motorcycle owners learn the skills they need to stay safe on the road. Safety courses are offered at 1,500 locations throughout the United States. The 15-hour curriculum covers essential skills for both novice and experienced motorcyclists. To find a course near you, call (800) 446-9227 or visit the Motorcycle Safety Foundation online.

I’ll be watching for next month’s issue of the magazine to see how many letters to the editor this guy generates.