Monday, March 08, 2010

Burrito on the porch


It’s a delightful sunny 68 degrees here on Crowley’s Ridge at midday and I just finished a burrito on the screened porch.

I knew it was going to be a nice day when I was able to walk out to the newspaper tube this morning in shirtsleeves and listen to the cardinals singing.

I think the worst of the nasty cold weather is behind us. Now it’s time for tornado season.

In the meantime, I’m watching the time ticking away until my 5 p.m. deadline and waiting for calls from the chairwomen of a couple of local charitable foundations. If worse comes to worst, I can throw something together with what I have so far, but I really do want their voices in this thing.

After that, I can procrastinate two whole weeks before my next and final deadline on this project.

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