Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Back at Hastings for the first time in more than a week


I parked my old del Sol with its blasted-out paintjob next to this 2-seat Mercedes Benz SLK280 in the Hastings parking lot this morning and had to chuckle over the license plate.

It’s something to celebrate. Maybe we can celebrate it someday…

I took Pete to the vet this morning for a blood test. When he was in for his checkup a month ago, they determined he has a liver problem and put him on a once-a-day pill with instructions to come back after 30 days for a re-test. Turns out he needs to stay on the pills, which cost $84.50 a month. That’s $990 a year. Yikes! I hope he realizes how much we love him.

I turned in my final story for the upcoming Outlook special section yesterday afternoon, so now I have my days back and don’t have to sit around waiting for people to not return my phone calls.

I figured out how to get the most elusive of my sources to return my calls last Friday. I learned she checks her email frequently on her Blackberry, so I sent her an email saying I’d heard the organization she heads has imploded and no longer exists and askied her to let me know if that’s true. I clicked the stopwatch on my Breitling Chrono Avenger as I hit the Send button. She’d been ignoring my calls and emails for a whole week, but she called exactly 12 minutes and 52 seconds later. Heh heh.

I also taught the first session of my Advanced Digital Photography class last night. I only have four students, but they’re all alumni of the introductory class I taught in the fall of 2008 and they’re tech savvy enough that I don’t have to waste a lot of time showing them how to work Windows. Their assignment for next week is to shoot a portrait.It should be a lot of fun. The class meets Monday evenings through April 26.

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