Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Well, it does look pretty…


This is the scene out our back door and beyond the fence this morning as the first rays of the rising sun light up the snow-clad trees.

Needless to say, this is turning into a remarkably snowy winter for northeast Arkansas and there’s more in the forecast for late this week.

I’m stuck at home all day, unless I decided to take a chance with my snow-challenged Honda del Sol. The overnight high was 31 at midnight and the temperature has been dropping steadily as a cold front rushes into this part of the Mid-South. That means last night’s feb9snow02 slushy roads are today’s ice-covered roads. The local TV station had a telephone interview with the head of the county highway department this morning. He has very few resources to meet a winter challenge of this magnitude and the subtext of his remarks was “just be careful because we can’t do anything about this.”

So far, I only have one new book order to fill and it can wait until tomorrow if necessary. Ditto picking up the mail.

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