Monday, February 08, 2010

A bad Indiana winter flashback


A couple of days after the previous weekend’s snow melted to reveal bare ground, we awoke this morning to another 3” or so of still-falling snow.

Naturally, all of the schools are closed.

I drove Maria to work, not because I don’t have the highest regard for her Hoosier snow-driving skills, but because I want to be mobileOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA         today and my del Sol is useless in snow. I sold a bunch of books on over the weekend and need to haul them to the post office.

We had some friends over last night for the Super Bowl and, of course, the halftime show by The Who. The Who’s staging was stunning but the sound mix left a lot to be desired. Even so, it was the highlight of the evening for me. I was rooting for the Colts, being from Indiana and all, but I’m just fine with a New Orleans win. They were long overdue and seem to be handling their victory graciously.

I’m having a parfait and coffee breakfast at McDonald’s before getting on with the rest of my day.


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