Friday, January 08, 2010


I figured I had three choices for Wifi and hot chocolate in town this morning – Barnes & Noble, Books-a-Million, and Hastings.

I figured Barnes & Noble’s cafe would be full of kids, since the schools are closed because of the cold (13°F at the moment, but it feels like -1°F) and I didn’t want to be frozen at Hastings every time someone came through the door, so I opted for Books-a-Million.

But Books-a-Million has a downside too. Their Internet connection is spotty. It took me five tries to load the Weather Channel web site just now.

I had a Skype chat with Dom LoDuca up in Indianapolis earlier this morning and was chagrined to learn it’s warmer there and it is here. The cold is pretty much all the locals can think of to talk about. I guess I have to be somewhat sympathetic, since this cold snap is way out of their comfort zone and most people around here just want their mild winter back. Come to think of it, so do I.

We’re supposed to see highs in the 40s as early as next Monday.

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