Friday, January 22, 2010

He has two pickup trucks

House RepublicansIndiana Congressman Mike Pence, the number 3 Republican in the House leadership, just told Greg Garrison on WIBC radio that he is considering a challenge to Democrat Sen. Evan Bayh.

Bayh is one of the Democrat Senators who Dick Morris identified as vulnerable in the wake of Republican Scott Brown’s stunning Senate victory in Massachusetts on Tuesday.

“Massachusetts was a victory for the American people,” Pence said.

Pence, who says he has two pickup trucks, said he is “flattered and very humbled at the outpouring of encouragement and support from so many Hoosiers” urging him to run against Bayh.

Bayh, considered a moderate Democrat, is running for his third term in the Senate this fall.

Pence said he met yesterday with Sen. John Cornyn and the National Republican Senatorial Committee to discuss a possible Senate run.

“Karen and I will take the weekend and give the matter prayerful consideration,” Pence told Garrison this morning. “What we’re really trying to discern is where can we best serve our constituents, conservatives and the country in 2010.”

“This is not about personal ambition,” he said. “It’s about where we can make the best difference.”

“I believe with all my heart that Republicans can win the Congress back in 2010,” he said.

Pence promised “a decision in the near future.”

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