Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A time for courage

Well, I did my part.

I just sent emails to my two Arkansas Senators, Blanche Lincoln and Mark Pryor, my Indiana Democratic Senator Evan Bayh (since I still own property in Indiana) and to Sen. Joe Lieberman telling them the coming vote on Obamacare could be the defining moment of their political careers if they have the courage to seize it.

It’s clear that the majority of Arkansans oppose the Democrat health care bill and since Blanche Lincoln is up for reelection next year and is trailing all of her potential opponents in the polls, this is a make-it-or-break-it vote for her. Will she take a stand for the people who sent her to Washington or will she let Harry Reid take her political career over the cliff?

She has to know the odds favor a Republican sweep in 2010, shifting the balance of Congressional power to the GOP, who will dedicate themselves to undoing all of the damage done by the Democrats this year, including the health care disaster, should it pass.

So the issue for Blanche Lincoln comes down to this:

  1. Vote against the health care bill, be a heroine and have a chance at re-election, or
  2. Vote for legislation that almost surely will be revoked and sacrifice her political career for nothing

Sounds like a no-brainer to me.

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