Saturday, December 12, 2009

Saturday report


We started the day with breakfast with our Indianapolis BMW Club friends at Shaprio’s delicatessen. There was a good turnout and raph pizzaeveryone seemed surprised and pleased to see us.

Then it was off to Brownsburg for a visit with Maria’s brother Raph and his boys. Lunch was carryout from Pizza Hut.

We wrapped up the day with dinner at the home of Indianapolis News compadre Skip Hess and his wife skip indyGloria. I had hoped to connect with Skip when I was back here for MotoGP, but our schedules didn’t permit it. Now we have to get Skip and Gloria to come down to Arkansas for a visit in 2010.

Now to check out the weather forecast for tomorrow’s drive home to northeast Arkansas and what we hope will be milder temperatures and a gentler run-up to winter.

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