Wednesday, November 25, 2009

When companies compete, we win

I’ve been buying Lisinopril, a blood pressure medication particularly suited to Type 2 diabetics, a month at a time from the Walmart

I buy it there because it’s on Walmart’s list of $4 prescriptions.

CVS Caremark logoI recently got an email from CVS Caremark, which works with my insurance provider, saying they’ve noticed that I’m buying Lisinopril from Walmart and suggesting that I order it from them instead.

They offer me two choices

  1. By mail for $6.76/month
  2. At the local Super D drugstore (there is no CVS in this area) for $9.73/month

Hmmmmm. What a dilemma: $4 versus $6.76 versus $9.73. Clearly we have a need for healthcare reform here.

And my solution for healthcare reform?


Piss off, CVS Caremark. I’m staying with Walmart, who can cut my cost further by mailing (free) me a three-month supply for only $10. That cuts my monthly cost to $3.33.

Of course, my insurance (read CVS Caremark) tells Walmart they won’t pay for a three-month supply. Well guess what? They weren’t paying for a one-month supply either. I told the Walmart folks to just ignore the insurance, bill me 10 bucks and send me the three-month supply.

I love the free market.

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