Thursday, November 05, 2009

I’m a Twitter quitter

I signed up for a Twitter account a year or two ago, but quickly realized it just doesn’t fit with the way I use my Palm Treo 700p or with the rest of my routine.

In doing so, I have apparently avoided one of the great technological time-wasters of the decade. I know of scores of people who are obsessed with Tweets and how many followers they have and who they follow. If you listen to Leo Laporte’s tech podcasts or his radio show, you’ll get the impression that Twitter is a huge part of his life.

Sorry, I just don’t get it and I just don’t care. I have enough to do just coming up with mildly interesting content for this blog.

In fact, I mostly forget that I have a Twitter account until I get the occasional email telling me that some new stranger is now following me on Twitter. I got one such email this morning. I can guarantee that they will be bored and lose interest immediately, since I never Tweet. Never.

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