Tuesday, November 03, 2009


hastings tables This is somebody’s idea of how to sell crap at Hastings’s Hardback Cafe.

They’ve taken two of the five tables (40% of the table seating) to make a display of the same stuff that is on display elsewhere in the cafe, presumably to snag people who might be in a Christmas shopping mood. Never mind that it severely limits the seating and computing options of the regular patrons.

And, of course, this situation will continue through Christmas. Grrrrr.

(Oh, Christ. They’re playing a fuzz guitar version of “O, Come All Ye Faithful” on the P.A.)

morning bonfireOn a lighter note, I put a match to the big pile of fallen tree limbs  and branches in the fire pit this morning and thanks to the judicious application of an accelerant, it took off into a cheery blaze almost immediately. The brisk breeze helped and I soon found myself throwing on a few logs from one of our many woodpiles left over from the January ice storm. We still have lots of broken branches hanging on by a thread all over the 1.23-acre property, so there will be many more such bonfires.

moonriseAnd finally, Tuesday is trash day, so I dragged our trash container to what passes for a curb last night. In so doing, I noticed this moonrise which looked much more interesting than my Olympus Stylus 850 SW point-and-shoot could capture. Even so, it’s not a horrible shot. The moon always looks bigger when it’s near the horizon, but it’s just an optical illusion.

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