Thursday, November 26, 2009

Chilling on Thanksgiving night

It’s Thanksgiving night and I’m winding down from an admittedly low-key day.

As you can see, the dogs are dozing on the office carpet OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA         while I crank out a blog entry and listen to my iPod.

Since Maria signed up to work the late shift, we substituted a brunch for usual turkey dinner. She whipped up a spectacular meal of killer French toast (a recipe from a charity cookbook that benefits a local hospice), eggs, hash browns and patties of Tennessee Pride sausage.

I spent a few hours this afternoon and evening filling in more blanks in the family tree on I’m up to more than 950 relatives and have run a couple of branches back to pre-Revolutionary War Europe. Specifically, the Flora/Flory branch back to Switzerland and the McCains (on my mother’s side) back to Scotland, by way of Ireland.

I also determined that Paul D. “Tony” Hinkle, the legendary Butler University basketball coach for whom Hinkle Fieldhouse is named, is my fifth cousin, once removed. And I found a connection with Claude Wickard, Franklin Roosevelt’s Secretary of Agriculture.

Most of the actual research was done by other people – a massive Flora/Flory online genealogy and an impressive genealogy of the McCain family in the form of a book my parents had in their library. All I’ve done is pull it all together in family tree form on and invited several relatives to fill out their particular branches.

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