Friday, October 23, 2009

Gloomy Friday


It’s a rainy, cloudy, chilly Friday and my mood matches the weather.

My request to have the guest room floor cleared of clothes and other debris by this morning went unheeded, so the cleaning girl will skip that room for another week.

I have appointments with an orthodontist and a podiatrist next week and both will involve pain and discomfort which I won’t detail here.

My desktop computer is inert and it will take a considerable amount of effort to get it back up to speed – effort I’m in no mood to expend, but the need is somewhat urgent since that’s what I use to track our finances.

And we have a weekend before us with no plans to do anything fun or interesting.

Maybe I just got my answer: My iPod is on shuffle and it’s playing the Rolling Stones’ “You Can’t Always Get What You Want (But if You Try Sometimes, You Might Find, You Get What You Need).”

Whatever. I’m still depressed, but it has a good beat and a catchy tune.

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