Thursday, October 08, 2009

Dom’s here

dom had Our Indianapolis BMW Club friend Dominick rolled in about 2:15 p.m.

We hung out for awhile, then took the top off of the del Sol and sprinted up the county line liquor store for a 12-pack of beer.

Unfortunately, I forgot to put the roof back on the car last night and remembered after it started to rain about 6 a.m. today. I used a synthetic towel – sold at Walmart under the name “Absorber” and dom hogsame thing as a ShamWow – and soaked up most of the water from the seats. It should be useable later today when we head out for sightseeing and errands.

Dinner was at the Whole Hog Cafe where they have the best barbecue in Jonesboro. Dom polished off a full rack of ribs and pronounced them excellent.

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