Friday, October 30, 2009

Dogette rules

I come across exceptional blogs every now and then and this morning was the best this fall - maybe this year. And it's actually a rediscovery - I already had it in my recommended links over there on the right side of the page. I just didn't recognize the name.

It's but it's been redesigned under the name of "The Blair Dog Project" and the author goes by the name of Dogette. She commented on one of my posts this morning and I followed the electronic trail of bread crumbs back to her revamped blog and was stunned anew by her entertaining, snarky cleverness.

Here's an excerpt to pique your curiosity :

I was working up a post about the dog farting every afternoon at the same time, over by a certain window. Then I got distracted with something else so my plans for a bigger more in-depth post on this have been tabled.

That first sentence is the funniest, most whimsical sentence I've read this year.

If you enjoy my blog, put The Blair Dog Project on your daily reading list. Just don't forget to come back here when you're done.