Thursday, October 01, 2009


dam john SAVANNAH, Tenn. – They call the Return to Shiloh Rally’ “the best BMW rally by a dam site” and this is the dam.

I’m camped in a piney woods on the banks of the historic Tennessee River and the mosquitoes are numerous, big and aggressive. I set up my tent as quickly as possible and then got the hell out of the woods.

I’m told that old timers here say they can’t remember a worse year for mosquitoes. At the moment, I’m at the Pickwick Landing State Park Inn & Conference Center where they have free wifi. As soon as I finish here, I’ll ride to a convenience store and invest in some serious mosquito repellant.

The ride down here was easy and uneventful. I left home about 9:50ready to leave for shiloh a.m. and took the northern route gassing and hitting an ATM at Paragould and taking U.S. 412 east across the Missouri bootheel and into Tennessee, crossing I-40 at Jackson and avoiding Memp his. I stopped somewhere south of Jackson for a McDonald’s lunch, gassed again about 28 miles from the rally site and rolled in to the campgrounds about 2:15 p.m., having covered a little less than 200 miles.

I was the 18th person to register, just ahead of a guy from Lincoln, Neb. I thought I saw Rick Nelson ride in, but I was probably mistaken.

dam pano

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