Friday, October 30, 2009

Bringing the K75S home

mariafullc The rain stopped a couple of hours ago and the parking lot outside Hastings is dry. The weather folks say that’s all the rain we’re getting for a few days, so that means a road trip early tomorrow morning to Cape Girardeau, Mo.

That’s where the Grass Roots BMW Motorcycles mechanics have restored Maria’s 1994 K75S to good health after it started hemorrhaging gear oil several months ago.

We’ll try to be there shortly after they open at 9 a.m. I’ll ride it home and Maria will lead/follow in the Subaru. It will be kinda brisk tomorrow morning, what with the cold front that came in behind the two days of rain, so Gerbings heated clothing will be in order for the ride home.

I love that little bike. It’s so nimble and fun to ride. I prefer it to my K1200GT for city riding.

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