Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Blanche apparently wants to retire

I just emailed my senator, Sen. Blanche Lincoln, D-Ark., to express my profound disappointment with her vote this afternoon. Here’s what Sara Sendek, RNC Spokeswoman, had to say.


“Today, Sen. Lincoln confirmed that she will put a government-run health care experiment over the best interests of working families in Arkansas. Under the Senate Finance Democrat’s health care bill, the cost of family coverage will increase by $4,000 over the next decade. For working moms and dads, struggling to keep their jobs in a weakened economy, that’s real money – money most folks simply don’t have. Placing the burden on families isn’t the answer, and we encourage Arkansans to call Sen. Lincoln to ask her why she turned her back on her constituents.”

As was reported here earlier, polls suggest any of the four possible GOP challengers can beat Blanche when she runs for a third term next year. She drove the stake a little deeper into the heart of her candidacy today.

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