Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Shiloh on my mind

b&nsep30 I probably should be packing for the Return to Shiloh Rally, since I plan to leave tomorrow, but I had to have my bookstore cafe internet fix.

This morning, that means Barnes & Noble. The weather has turned cooler the last few days and consequently Barnes & Noble has dialed down their air conditioning to a level I can tolerate.

It got down to 67 degrees in the house this morning, prompting the first use of the furnace this season. As expected, it smelled like the house was on fire.

My local BMW friends, Charlie and Deb, aren’t going to the rally this year because of schedule conflicts, so I’ll ride solo to Pickwick Landing State Park, just south of Savannah, Tenn. It’s about a four-hour ride and I’m considering an alternative northern route through Jackson, Tenn. that adds about 10 minutes overall, but doesn’t take me through Memphis.

This is my favorite venue on the BMW rally circuit – a level campground in the midst of a pine forest. I’ve sent a reminder to my friends in the Indianapolis BMW Club and hope to see a few of them there.

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