Thursday, September 10, 2009

Oxygen – you gotta love it!

330ft BROOKLAND, Ark. – Ahhhh! I can breathe again.

The scenery at 10,640 feet at Chateau Balough is fabulous, but the air is way too thin for my respiratory system. My nasal passages were dry to the point of giving me nosebleeds and I’d wake up in the middle of the night gasping for air.

Now that I’m back to my natural habitat at 330 feet above sea level, I can breathe easy. Of course, there is that problem with humidity.

I thought the right rear tire on my del Sol looked a little low when I got home this afternoon. It was: 6 psi instead of its normal 29 psi. I dragged out the compressor and made sure all four tires were up to spec before driving in to town for my 20 ounce Rio Azul coffee at Hastings.

There’s a stack of mail, mostly bills, waiting for me on the kitchen table. I’m still on vacation today. I’ll look at them tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I went hiking at 9,157 ft about sea level today in the Santa Catalina Mountains! I was panting, although it was insanely steep and rocky. I was seriously considering spending the rest of a the weekend on a tree stump waiting for a black bear to put me out of my misery, but no such luck.
