Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Man down

From the Grass Roots BMW Motorcycles website:

David Bork, “Mr. Grass Roots,” was in a motorcycle accident this past Monday. Dave is a very careful grassrootsrider and was wearing all his BMW gear, which saved him from more serious injury after his motorcycle hit a car that stopped suddenly on a highway near Carbondale, IL.  A pickup truck driver stopped his truck in the driving lane to help a turtle cross the road, causing cars to slam on their brakes. Dave could not stop in time and rear-ended one of the cars with his bike, causing him to fly over the bike onto the car.

Dave is in the Memorial Hospital in Carbondale, Illinois with 2 cracked ribs, a lung contusion, a mild concussion, and lots of bumps and bruises. He will be moved out of ICU today, and may be home by the weekend. However, he will miss the Open House, and he so wanted to be a part of the Guinness World Record Challenge. Come sign the really BIG get well card for Dave at our Open House.

Dave has been Service Manager for Grass Roots BMW Motorcycles for 26 years. He is our walking encyclopedia of BMW motorcycle knowledge

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