Sunday, September 13, 2009

How to run a deli

From the Wal-Mart Associates' Journal:

A week or so ago I watched the film Defiance, starring Daniel Craig. In it he plays one of the Bielski brothers who ultimately saved 1,200 Russian Jews during WWII by building a small village in the forest and stealing shit from the Nazis. (There's a good bit more to the film than that, and it was actually quite good.) Anyway, there's a scene in it where Daniel Craig's character falls ill...bad fever, the whole nine yards.  As he is resting in bed recovering, an upstart greedy asshole decides that the men should eat before the women and children because they gathered the food.
Daniel Craig staggers out of his shack.
"What's the commotion?"
"We're going to eat before the women, yada yada yada..."
"No, I told you...we are all equals here, we all eat together."
The asshole says, "Oh, nobody told you.  You're not in charge anymore."
Daniel Craig sighs as if too tired to fight and turns as if to return to his shack. He suddenly whips around and shoots the asshole, killing him dead in his tracks.
He looks around to see if anybody else has any questions about his authority.
I actually clapped at that scene and thought to myself.....Oh man, if only they'd let me run my fucking deli like that.

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