Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Breakfast, sort of…

comfort inn breakfast

DODGE CITY', Kans. – It’s still about 45 minutes before sunrise and the weather radar makes it obvious that I’ll be in my rain suit much of today.

I’m not about to ride in the rain in the dark, especially when there are flash flood warnings for areas of Kansas ahead of me.

So I’m hanging out in the Comfort Inn breakfast area. There were eight people in here when I arrived, several of them from a restaurant equipment company.

I chose a small bagel with cream cheese and a cup of coffee, but may take a second pass at the somewhat limited buffet.

I returned from dinner last night to find I couldn’t get into my room. I swiped the card key and pushed the door open, but it hung up on the security bar lock. Apparently, the bar had swung forwarddoor lock when I closed the door about an hour earlier. It’s designed to be secure against probing fingers, so I headed to the front desk for help.

The clerk said this happens occasionally and fetched a special two-pronged tool that slips through a barely opened door to push the bar aside. Thus equipped, he walked down to my room with me and, voila, problem solved.

Did I mention I hate riding in the rain and won’t do it in the dark?

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