Sunday, August 02, 2009

Running SpinRite again

My desktop computer has gone wonky again, taking an insanely long time to perform even the simplest actions, so I popped the SpinRite CD in yesterday spinrite6and booted into the program from the CD.

After 14.5 hours, the program says it has another 9.5 hours to go to complete its work on my hard drive.

It’s a killer program and it rescued my hard drive last winter when I couldn’t even get it to boot to Windows, but it left me with a scenario where it takes a little more than an hour for Windows and all of my startup programs to load. It’s my fervent hope that this SpinRite treatment will fix that as well, but I have a nagging sense that I’m living on borrowed time with this hard drive.

If you want to know more about SpinRite, the premiere software for fixing software-related hard drive problems (and most hard problems are software-related, rather than mechanical) click here.


  1. Yeah. The current operation will take another 88 hours (!) to complete.
    Jeez, that's more than 3 1/2 days. But I won't complain if it fixes everything.
