Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Mission accomplished

grassroots oil change My K1200GT is all better now.

I got a complete 12k service, plus a replacement accessory outlet on the upper fairing and a new oil level sight glass. Turns out the old sight glass really was murky and dark and my difficulty using it was not because of failing vision.

All things considered, my visit to Grass Roots BMW was very pleasant and I was especially pleased to find they have free wifi.

They also have plenty of new bikes to ogle, including this K1300GTgrassroots gt sign that bears what I am certain is a message intended for me.

I got back on the road about 1:30 p.m. and stopped about 20 miles down the road at the other Boomland – the one at Exit 80 on I-55 – where I gassed the bike and wolfed down one of the new McDonald one-third-pounders.

The skies turned threatening around Kennett, but I thought I might skirt the rain because the road angles southwest from there. My luck ran out about 5 miles east of Paragould on U.S. 412 when I pulled to the berm and struggled into my FroggToggs rain gear.

I rode through patches of torrential rain over the next 10 miles or so and pulled into my garage about 4:30 p.m. Here’s the bike serving as a drying rack for my rain gear.grassroots back home

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