Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Hanging with Mr. Opportunity

honda dealer That’s Honda’s Mr. Opportunity looking over my shoulder – you know, the guy who knocks on the other side of your TV screen to let you know Honda is having a sale.

He’s there because I’m in the waiting room of Honda of Jonesboro.

You may recall that I was here a few months ago for an oil change on a cool, rainy day. I told them I have a hot weather overheating problem, but since they weren’t able to replicate it on such a cool day, they suggested I bring it in when it was overheating.

That would be today. I was headed home after lunch in town with Maria when I noticed the temperature gauge needle was pegged in the red. I immediately shut off the air conditioning, did a U-turn on the Arkansas State University campus and called the Honda Service Department to let them know I was inbound with a hot car.

The agreed to work me in, saying it may be an hour before they can get to my car, but I have no pressing business elsewhere so I’m cool with that.

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