Monday, August 03, 2009

Flying blind

I got my coffee, booted up the netbook and settled into my spot at Hastings to do some afternoon blogging and surfing, only to discover that I have the case for my reading glasses, but the glasses are still at home.
I'm wearing a trial pair of contact lenses that are absolutely wonderful for seeing anything farther away than 10 feet, but I need my reading glasses for close-up work. Fortunately, the Chrome browser has the same "magnifier" feature as Internet Explorer, letting me hold down the Ctrl key and zoom in and out with the wheel on my mouse. The screen looks kind of goofy with everything at about 300% magnification, but at least I can see what I'm typing.
I suppose I could go across the street to the Walgreens and get a cheap pair of reading glasses, but it probably makes more sense just to go home.
The folks in our Indiana house managed to pay their rent before the 5-day penalty and, thanks to a email reminder from me, added the $50 late penalty from last month, so that's one less thing to think about.

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