Thursday, August 06, 2009

Betty's Lunch

betty's lunch This little diner once stood on the west side of South Washington Street in Delphi, Ind., across from the Delphi Body Works.

Betty's Lunch was run by Betty Powell and it was a regular stop for me when I had a route delivering the Lafayette Journal & Courier (my first newspaper job). The JC was an evening paper in those days (the mid- to late 1950s) and Betty's Lunch was near the midpoint of my route that focused mainly on Front Street and the floodplain area to the south we called The Bottoms.

The diner was also a customer, so I'd put their newspaper on the counter and wolf down a Royal Crown Cola and a Zero candy bar before completing my appointed rounds.

The Carroll County Comet, from whose web site I appropriated this image, says Betty's Lunch was in business from the 1940s through the '60s and that the building was torn down in the '70s.

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