Monday, July 27, 2009

We’re all west of the Mississippi now

morgan caving It’s official – all of our kids now live where radio and TV station call letters start with K.

Sean has lived in Portland, Ore. since he graduated from college in 1993 and Steve moved to Las Vegas almost two years ago, Austin took up residence in northeast Arkansas in May and Morgan moved to Arizona this month.

And, of course, Maria and I became Arkansas residents in the fall of 2007.

I certainly never saw this westerly drift coming. I figured most of us were pretty much permanently stuck in Indiana and Ohio.

The picture above is Morgan with her boyfriend and his mother outside an Arizona cave. The photo was taken by her boyfriend’s dad with his Blackberry. They’re doing a splendid job of making her feel at home in the alien landscape of the Sonoran Desert – far from the the lush green of Indiana.

Austin appears to have found work – we expect to know for sure in a day or two – but the pay rate may not be enough to make it possible for him to support himself in an apartment, but we remain optimistic. The goal is to get him to a higher level of self-sufficiency, with a secondary consequence of reclaiming our empty nest status and freeing up our guest quarters for visiting friends.

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