Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Track ‘em down on Facebook

I was on MySpace for awhile, but never really got into it. The site was overrun with morons and too many people junked up their page facebook-logolayouts to the point where they were unreadable.

I’ve been on Facebook for a year or so now and I am continually amazed how I keep connecting with long-lost friends and acquaintances.

My friends list is up to 134 people and it’s a surprisingly diverse group.

Just this morning, I did a search for Roger P., a guy with an unforgettable Greek name who was in my cabin at a Presbyterian Church camp near Brownstown, Ind., in the summer of 1959. That week at camp was the only contact I ever had Roger in my entire life, but his name stuck in my mind.

I did a quick search for his name this morning and found an old guy roger(we’re all old guys now) with that name who looked kinda like the kid I remember from 50 years ago, living Kansas City, Mo. I shot him a message on Facebook and damned if it wasn’t Roger from Camp Pyoca. (Here’s his picture.)

The discovery put Kansas City in the front of my brain, so I decided to look for Katie, a writer I met on a Missouri Tourism Dept.-sponsored tour of Jesse James sites six or seven years ago. Like Roger, she has an unusual last name, so it was another easy search and now she’s in my friends list too.

My friends list includes my long-lost fifth-grade penpal from Queensland, Australia, classmates from grade school, high school, and college, scores of former colleagues at The Indianapolis News and The Indianapolis Star, one or two friends from my TM (Transcendental Meditation) days, BMW motorcycle friends, two of our Realtors, far-flung cousins, Maria’s friends from the Crawfordsville Journal Review, my sons and their wives, in-laws, my stepdaughter’s boyfriend’s dad, and even my ex-wife.

I’m also in the Great Hoosier Daily Facebook group, which has grown to include 83 former employees of The News and is organizing a News alumni reunion for September.

Facebook, it seems, was created to people like me – Cancerians who just can’t let go of past connections and friends.

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