Friday, July 03, 2009

Taking her at her word

sarah_palin_2After listening to the talking heads on the cable news channels for an hour or so, I'm somewhere between annoyed and amused.

Everyone, with the exception of Mike Huckabee and a Congressman from Texas, seems obsessed with the idea that there is some dark hidden agenda behind Sarah Palin's announcement today that she is resigning her post of governor of Alaska, effective July 26.

They seem to have forgotten who they were listening to.

I think the simple truth is that the harassment from the haters on the left, with their attacks in the media and chickenshit "ethics" complaints and Letterman-style sniping have made it impossible for her to give the citizens of Alaska their money's worth as the state's chief executive.

She did the only honorable thing - she removed the lightning rod from the governor's office and assured the state would have a governor who was free to focus on the affairs of Alaska by handing the reins over to the lieutenant governor.

And she doubtless recognizes the move frees her to play a more prominent and effective role in fighting the good fight, supporting the people who work for a living against the people who vote for a living.

The left is quite obviously terrified of the way she connects with Joe and Sally Sixpack, the people they thought they owned.

The Resistance has been looking for someone around whom to coalesce. I think she could be that person.

And by the way, she spoke at great length today without stammering and without the aid of a teleprompter. That's what speaking from the heart looks like.

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