Monday, July 06, 2009

Semolina Pilchard

Semolina I scored a cool stainless steel hand-crank pasta maker to review for free in the Vine program a week ago last Thursday and UPS deposited it on my front porch this afternoon.

But to make proper Italian pasta, Maria says, you gotta use semolina flour.

Do you think there is any semolina flour to be had in this culinary desert where food, by its very definition, is brown and fried?

I drove in to town, filled with eager optimism, this afternoon. Made a special trip. Only to discover that it apparently doesn’t exist in northeast Arkansas.

Three earnest Kroger employees searched all over the store, even consulted their manager, before determining that they used to carry it but not anymore.

Those decisions, I seem to recall, are made at the home office in Cincinnati. Seems kinda stupid for some bean counter in Cincinnati to be calling the shots for every Kroger supermarket in the U.S., regardless of regional tastes.

Anyway, I’m next door to Kroger at Books-A-Million, sipping a 20 ounce cup of Joe’s Choice while I try to figure out what to do.

I tried a long shot and called Lazzari Italian Oven restaurant just down the street to see if they have a local source for semolina. Turns out they don’t make their own pasta.

Of course they don’t.

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