Friday, July 10, 2009

Rick and Deb: Just passing through

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA         Indianapolis BMW Club friend Rick Nelson, who has been on the road since Jan, 31, stopped by this afternoon with his girlfriend Deb.

Rick needed a place to change oil and transmission fluid and while he was doing that I persuaded Deb to use our laundry facilities. I also took her to the post office where she mailed some stuff home to Kelowna, British Columbia.

We had hoped to persuade them to spend the night, but they were eager to keep moving east, aiming for the BMW MOA rally site at Johnson City, Tenn. by next Monday.

So after a late lunch at the new Brookland barbecue place, they headed up to Paragould to catch U.S. 412 east across the Missouri bootheel and into Tennessee.

I'll see them again on Wednesday when I get to the rally.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

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