Saturday, July 18, 2009

Rally report: Saturday morning

sink picBMWMOA INTERNATIONAL RALLY, Tenn. – The sun rose into a clear blue sky this morning and I was up and moving by 7:15 a.m.

The overnight low was 63 in my tent, which made for good sleeping weather.

I decided to take advantage of the morning light and got some shots outside one of the shower trailers, including the one above.001

Wayne Garrison, the official Indy Club rally attendancemeister, declared this morning there are 60 confirmed members of the  Indianapolis BMW Club at the rally. That’s a club record for a MOA national and should be enough to get us into the top 10.

I rode the shuttle down to the free coffee shack by the beer tent for my first java jolt of the day and also discovered the fairgrounds Wifi signal doesn’t reach that far, so now I’m up at the Country Store where I can also charge my cell phone while blogging and surfing.

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