Saturday, July 18, 2009

Rally report: Saturday afternoon

gs challenge

BMWMOA INTERNATIONAL RALLY, Tenn. - We dropped by the GS Challenge this afternoon and watched a bunch of GS riders thrash their bikes over a series of motocrossesque exercises.

It was pretty impressive, considering these guys need their bikes to get home tomorrow.

I broke down and bought a hi-viz lime green Fieldsheer riding jacket for $149, which Maria agreed to consider my birthday present. I shipped it home via UPS rather than try to jam it into my luggage.

We have a husband-and-wife doctor team in the club and they’re camped with us. I described the pain in my left heel and they concurred I need to see a podiatrist for a possible bone spur. Oh, joy.

Wayne found two more club members here, so our club attendance is up to 62. I can remember national rallies when we impressed ourselves by having half that number present.

I’m curious to see how we placed in the club attendance competition. All will be made known at the closing ceremonies in about an hour.

As things stand now, I intend to ride the entire distance home tomorrow. If I get out by 7 or 8 a.m., I should be home well before dark.

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