Friday, July 17, 2009

Rally report: Friday morning

shower lineBMW MOA INTERNATIONAL RALLY, Tenn. - Rain swept through this morning, starting about 4 a.m. and tapering off sometime before 7 o’clock.

I crawled out of my tent about 7:30 and stumbled down to the shower trailers. There was a line but it moved fairly quickly and I was out and clean about 30 minutes after I got in line.

My first experience with shower trailers was the primitive things they dragged in to the 1991 BMW MOA rally at Flagstaff, Ariz. They’ve come a long way since then and each iteration is better than the one before it. The experience is still pretty Spartan, but it’s reasonably efficient and there’s nothing like a shower to improve your outlook after a humid night in a tent buttoned up tight against the weather.

I dropped my shower stuff and dirty clothes at my tent and caught a shuttle down the hill to the free coffee shack being run by my other club, the BMW Riders Association of the Mid-South. I found several club friends there and took shelter in the cement block building when the sky opened up with what we hope is the last rain event of the day.

Deb Parsons had to run up to the communications building to get a fresh battery for their two-way radio, so I hitched a ride in her golf cart after the rain slacked off.

My Suunto Advisor wrist watch has an altimeter and it indicates there is about a 90-foot rise in elevation from the valley where the coffee and beer tent are situated up to the highest point in the vendor area. That’s a lot of up and down for a crowd as mature as the BMW MOA and I wonder if the two shuttles will be adequate when the attendance peaks tomorrow.

Now it’s time to get a bite to each, get my D100 and khaki vest and get back to work as a rally photographer.

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