Thursday, July 02, 2009

Post office box drama

mailboxesToday’s visit to the post office was filled with postal drama – disappointment and wonderful surprises.

Doesn’t take much to entertain me, does it?

Our tenants’ rent check, which was due yesterday and which has arrived on or before the first of the month since we had a “coming to Jesus” exchange with him back in January, has not arrived. He’s been paying by cashier’s check (his idea, we never suggested it). My guess is that he’s got his cash flow screwed up and is waiting until tomorrow (Friday) for a paycheck to cover the rent. Given the speed of the U.S. Mail between Thorntown, Ind., and here, that means his check will arrive after the penalty cutoff and he’ll owe another $50.

But that’s just me guessing. It could show up tomorrow. Or never.

There was also correspondence from National City Mortgage Co., which holds the mortgage on our Thorntown house. The word “Statement” was prominently displayed on the front of the envelope.

“Oh, great,” I thought, “They’re billing us for more escrow money or telling us they’re raising our house payment.”

Turns out it was just the opposite. They’re dropping our house payment by $159 a month, effective Aug. 1. And they enclosed a check for more than a $1,000 in escrow overcharges.

And if that wasn’t enough to lift my spirits, I also got a $25 gift certificate for racking up 25,000 bonus points.

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