Thursday, July 23, 2009


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA         I harvested the grass crop on our 1.23-acre estate today, this being the view from the driver's seat of our John Deere LA125.

I thought the grass was dry enough by 9:30 a.m., but about four passes around the yard later, I noticed the mower was struggling and clogging up with wet grass.

So I drove back to the garage, used the hose attachment to flush out the mowing apparatus and gave it a rest.

It was a different story at 3 p.m. when I stuck my headphone earplugs in, put my iPod on shuffle and attacked the lawn a second time.

Other than being a little wary of snakes, I was reminded that I kinda enjoy cutting the grass now that I don't have to walk behind a mower.

All that remains is the fenced-in part of the back yard and I'm heading out to take care of that now.

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