Thursday, July 16, 2009

BMW MOA Rally: Thursday morning


BMWMOA INTERNATIONAL RALLY, Tenn. - I’m in the air conditioned Cyber Cafe where the Wifi signal is 5 bars, but there are so many users on the system that it’s insanely slow. And the rally is only about two hours old.street signs

It’s an overcast and very humid morning, coming on the heels of a steady rain that began about 2:30 a.m. and ended about 6 a.m.

The Indy Club compound is near the intersection of Beemer Blvd. and Farkle St., a site chosen largely on the basis of its proximity to toilets and the showers.

There were about 4,000 pre-registrations and the rule of thumb is that attendance is usually three times the pre-registration number. I farkle stophave serious doubts about the ability of this place to handle a crowd that size, so we shall see.

People are streaming in steadily and I can only imagine what the scene is like over at the registration facility in an elementary school a couple of blocks away.

My bike is parked and will probably not move until Sunday morning because parking spaces may be unavailable anywhere near our campsite after today.

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