Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Back to Redmond next year

redmond1 I pretty much never read the BMW MOA board of directors minutes in the Owners News, but I took the magazine with me to dinner this evening and found myself perusing the minutes, wondering if there might be a clue to next year's rally site.

And I found it.

The 2010 BMW MOA International Rally will be in Redmond, Ore., which is where it was in 2001.

As nearly as I can tell, this is only the second time they've repeated a venue. The other spot was Missoula, Mont., in 1984 and 1998. I didn't make it to the '84 rally, but I was there in '98.

The photo above was shot at the 2001 Redmond rally. That's Kevin Conley, Peggy and Wayne Garrison and Tim Balough.

Redmond had a brand new fairgrounds/exposition center in 2001 and it was one of the nicer venues I've seen. I plan to be there again next year.

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