Saturday, June 20, 2009

Your move

chessatBAM It’s Saturday morning and the chess players are doing battle in the cafe at Books-A-Million.

I’m surfing and blogging while Maria shops next door at Kroger. Earlier, we stopped at the Farmers Market for some blackberries and tomatoes and to give a CD of last Saturday’s Maggie dog pictures to the Whitton Farms kids.

It’s not 11 a.m. yet and the temperature is 90 with a heat index of 96, so we’re in for another warm, horribly humid day.

i heart We stopped at the post office on the way into Jonesboro and I noticed a guy getting into his pickup truck with a license plate on the front displaying the sentiment: “I (heart) my wife.”

I suppressed the urge to ask him if his wife put it there.

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