Wednesday, June 17, 2009

They want freedom. We give them Chickenshit Diplomacy.

17iran4-600 The Iranian government is accusing us of meddling, despite Obama’s steadfast refusal to stand up for freedom and democracy because he doesn’t want to be accused of meddling.


These people are prepared to die for freedom and the Great Apologizer, the Apostle of Change and Hope, can’t offer them a shred of hope.

Is this the Smart Diplomacy we were promised? Looks more like Chickenshit Diplomacy to anyone who’s paying attention (that is just about everyone but Juan Williams).

As Charles Krauthammer pointed out earlier this week, an overthrow of the jihadist looneytune theocracy is the only scenario that eliminates the need for us or Israel to get medieval on a country that ought to be our friends.

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