Wednesday, June 24, 2009

One more thing off of my plate

I wrapped up my magazine photo shoot about 12:30, had a quick lunch with Maria and went home where I burned the images to a DVD. Then it was back to town where I fired the DVD and associated paperwork off to Fargo, N.D.

I was chagrined to discovered when I looked at the images on my 24” monitor that I had dust on my camera sensor. Nothing the PhotoShop healing tool can’t handle, but I’m embarrassed nonetheless.

Time to invest in some serious sensor cleaning tools.

Or a D300 with self-cleaning sensor.

We’re scheduled to close on our mortgage refinance next Monday. I’m still waiting to hear whether they expect me to make the July payment at the old rate. Seems wrong to do a new deal on June 29 and then have to make a July payment under the old deal.

But, given our bank’s communication skills, the only way I’ll find out is to take the initiative to ask.

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