Thursday, June 04, 2009

Meanwhile, back at Books-A-Million

bam june 4

The Honda service guys weren’t able to fix the overheating problem, as I expected, because they couldn’t make it happen on such a cool morning. Their advice: bring the car in while the overheating is happening. Ok. I will.

And after weeks of thrashing around and innumerable phone calls, Austin finally sorted out what’s happening with his unemployment insurance payments. He still doesn’t have any money in hand, but he knows what the deal is. We think.

Turns out that the money goes into an account that he can access with a debit card. There is no check. Just a debit card. Which we have yet to see.

But he was told it could take 7-10 days from the time the money is released. It was released a week ago today, so the post office box vigil will continue.

The good news is that three payments have been put into the account, totaling about $670.

And, he got called in for a job interview at a construction company this morning. That’s the first encouraging event on the job search front and we remain guardedly optimistic.

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