Monday, June 22, 2009

Here's looking at you, kid


I'm back from the eye doc's office, my pupils dilated in the blazing sunshine.

Fortunately, they have little disposable sunglass inserts for glasses, which made the drive home marginally bearable.

Now that I'm home and working on the laptop, I'm still working with fuzzy vision because dilated pupils give you very little depth of field. Stuff is either in focus or it isn't.

The report is reasonably good - no signs of diabetic damage and the early cataracts that were diagnosed three years ago are still well OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA         below the threshold of needing attention.

Unfortunately, I had a chocolate chip FiberOne breakfast bar before I went in for my appointment this morning, which ran my blood sugar up to 230 - a level the doc deemed too high to get an accurate measure of my vision for the purposes of writing a prescription for new glasses or contact lenses.

So I have to get it down to a reasonable level before I go back for a re-test.

So much for getting new contacts in time for my ride to the BMW MOA rally.

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