Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Good news for me

Rostock, Germany, June 2: An interesting study by German experts revealed that men who marry younger women enhance their chances of longevity, and those who tie the knot with older women meet a premature death.

The analysis was carried by the leading study group Max Planck Institute that looked at the deaths of the entire population of Denmark between 1990 and 2005.

According to the research, if a man marries a woman 15 and 17 years his junior, his chances of dying early are cut by one fifth. Also, it suggests that men cut the risk of premature death by 11 percent if their wives are seven to nine years younger.

Another aspect highlighted by the study was that men who opted for older wives have an 11 percent higher chance of dying earlier.

The researchers reckon that a plausible explanation for the link between younger brides and longevity for older men could be natural selection. It is possible that younger women are attracted to healthier, stronger and more successful older men, who are naturally predisposed to longevity, as their marriage partners.

For us, it's an 18-year-difference. Heh, heh.

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