Sunday, June 28, 2009

Friends of Carlotta, enemies of Carlotta

I'm pleased to report only one of Arkansas's four Congressmen voted for the deranged American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 that narrowly passed Friday in the U.S. House of Representatives.deadmenp

The vote was 219-212. The measure needed 216 votes to pass.

Arkansas's Blue Dog Democrat Congressmen Marion Berry (my district) and Mike Ross joined Republican John Boozman in opposing the bill that, if it passes the Senate, will utterly wreck the U.S. economy and is based on the mistaken premise that human activity is causing global warming. Economic suicide based on junk science. These people are either hopelessly stupid or hope to line their pockets with "green" stimulus money.

So it's up to voters in Arkansas's Second Congressional District to make sure Democrat Victor Snyder gets the boot next year. I plan to donate to whoever opposes him and I'm sure I'm not alone.

Back in my home state of Indiana, two of Indiana's nine representatives drank the Waxman-Markey Kool-Aid: Democrats Baron Hill and, of course, Andre Carson. Kudos to Democrats Pete Visclosky, Joe Donnelly, and Brad Ellsworth for having the wisdom and integrity to buck the party line and vote against the bill.

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